Accessory Information

Common questions about the accessory information.

When are new vehicles and their accessories added to the accessories system?

  • We add new vehicles when we receive the accessory information from the manufacturer.

Is accessory information updated by us or Insignia Group?

  • Insignia Group maintains the OE accessory information.
  • The dealership maintains most aftermarket pricing and custom-built items.

How often is the pricing and labor updated in the system?

  • Pricing and labor are updated depending on the agreements with the manufacturer. 
  • Minimally, we update accessories at the beginning of each month.

Why do some accessories not have images?

  • The manufacturer has not sent the images. They will be updated once received.
  • The administrator of your system may add images.

Why does the old accessory number still appear in the system?

  • We remove old accessory numbers when we receive the information from the manufacturer.
    Note: Some manufacturers only remove the old number once they sell out of their inventory.

Why are labor times missing in the system?

  • The manufacturer will need to provide the labor times, which we will update once received.
  • Your system administrator may add labor times individually or through a bulk update. 

How do I update an accessory that has a price increase?

  • Insignia Group maintains OE accessory data. If you have a pricing concern, please email the Customer Care team.
  • Administrators can override a price. For more information, please review the Updating an Accessory article.

How do I mass update all my floormats’ labor or price?

  • The Customer Care team can help you set this up if you have an entire category of accessories that require the same labor or price. Please have the administrator email the request, including the brand(s).

How do I see all the special pricing or labor changes made in the system?

  • To access this information, please select Adjusted in the accessories report menu. We recommend downloading the report into Excel for ease of use if you have multiple pages to view.

Where do I locate the parts missing labor time in my system?

  • A report labeled Missing Value in the accessories report menu is where you’ll find the accessories in your system that currently do not have a labor time.

I have parts showing Call for Price, but my pricing rule is MSRP. Why?

  • These accessories likely do not have labor time associated with them. Locate the Missing Value report to review the part numbers. Until that information is updated, these items will continue to show Call for Price.

Where can I find who made an update on a particular part number?

While reviewing the accessory details, select the Change History tab to check who made the changes.