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  2. Need Assistance

Change Request

Asking for assistance using a change request.

Submit a change request form if you want assistance with changes to the accessories or system settings. You may also use this form if accessories or vehicles need an update.

  • Expand Help.
  • Select Change Request.
  • Please select the Change Type using the dropdown.

    • Accessory Update is for pricing, missing information, and changes.
      • Add Accessory Number(s).
      • Enter Comments.

      • Vehicle Missing is for missing vehicle information.
        • Enter Vehicles(s) including year, make, model, and submodel.
        • Enter Comments.

      • Other is for requests that do not fit into other categories.
        • Enter Comments.

    • Select Submit Request.

    You will receive a green confirmation message, and the page will reset to allow you to request any other changes.