Orders List

List of orders that need attention.

Our most successful dealers register customers and have their orders submitted through the accessory system. Employees should keep track of each order as they move through the installation process.

  • Select Orders to review a current list. 
    Tip: A number badge indicates the total number of Shopping, Submitted, and Acknowledged orders. 
    Note: We do not count orders that are Fulfilled or Canceled. 

  • Select the Date Range.
    Note: The list defaults to show all orders from the last 30 days. 

  • Select Order Status.
    Note: Orders that are listed as Shopping need to be submitted.

  • Search by text using filters like order or stock number, VIN, or customer name. 
    Warning: Select the time frame when searching for orders by text, including by name; otherwise, the results will only display the last 30 days.

The table displays all the information about the order. Each status has a unique color.

  • Select the Edit icon to edit the order.
    Note: This option is only available for users with permission  If the user cannot edit an order, they will only see an Info icon.
  • Select the Plus sign for more information.

  • Fulfill orders from this page by selecting the orders or the box to the left of the columns for all orders. 
    Warning: Fulfilling in bulk may take some time, depending on the number of orders. 
    Note: The red Fulfill Order button will show how many orders are selected.

  • You will receive a reminder that no one can change an order once it is fulfilled.

  • Add a note and send an email.

  • Once complete, a green confirmation will display, and the order will be updated.
    Note: Only users with permission to Fulfill an order may perform bulk fulfillment 
    Tip: You'll receive an alert if the order you are trying to fulfill has yet to be acknowledged.

Our most successful dealers acknowledge each order received in the Order Details so all parties involved understand that the order is received and is being processed.