Setting Expectations

Setting accessory sales expectations for the sales team

The most crucial responsibility of General Managers is setting expectations with the staff for the accessories program. Let’s talk about expectations for the sales associates. 

To ensure their compensation, the sales associates should:

  1. Present accessories on 100% of vehicle purchases
  2. Offer no discounts on accessories sales. (One price strategy)
  3. Have the customer sign a copy of the printed shopping cart. If the customer doesn’t buy, this serves as a declination form.

It’s the role of the managers or finance department to police these expectations. The deal isn’t processed without a signed printout of the shopping cart.

Discounts can be applied to accessories sales only by managers. These discounts are date and time-stamped. 

Management should set the final and most crucial expectations with the dealership staff. Accessory sales are not optional. Consider this: some sales associates in dealerships make as much money selling accessories as they do selling vehicles. There is excellent money-making potential, provided you have a streamlined, established process. Insignia Group’s hope and goal is to get you to that point!