Supporting Accessories Sales

Information to help you sell more accessories.

Where can I find additional information to support our business?

  • Our Blog discusses increasing profits, word tracks, presentation tools, observations, and more.
  • The Help Center includes videos and articles on system functionality and best practices.

How would you be able to help our sales team sell more accessories to their customers? 

  • Through consultation, we encourage the involvement of the entire dealership. We enforce that this is a top-down process and not just a parts program.

We train new employees as they join your organization and provide them tips and tricks to get a yes from the customers.

Our consultants will meet with your team to review your organization's efforts and formulate ongoing plans for success.

  • The accessories system provides extensive reporting for you to monitor the success of your program. Our most successful dealers review the Top Accessories regularly to see what is being viewed and sold. 
  • The Help Center provides articles and videos on Vehicle Personalization and Advanced Techniques for Top Sellers. Some tips in the Help Center include looking for accessories when evaluating trade, finding accessories that are easy to present after you practice using the system, and accessorizing vehicles in the showroom.

How does the vehicle personalization process help with the customer experience? 

  • It gets the customer involved in vehicle personalization during the valuable time of waiting for F&I.
  • Vehicle personalization enhances the vehicle and, most importantly, protects their investment.

Why should we Feature accessories?

  • Featured accessories save time by showcasing the accessories you want your team to present to each customer.

What recommendations do you have to keep our customers engaged with our dealership?

  • Send a scheduled service reminder postcard 90 days after purchase, including the name and vehicle information.
  • Email the shopping cart created a few weeks after the vehicle purchase, offering a 10% discount.