Top Vehicles

Popular vehicles for accessory views and sales

The Top Vehicles report shows the most popular vehicles for which accessories have been purchased or viewed on this site.

  • Expand Reports.
  • Expand Vehicles.
  • Select Top.

  • Select Date Range.
    Note: The default is set to Month to Date.

  • Select Make.
    Note: The default brand is set to All.

  • Narrow the search further by selecting Criteria.
  • Select the Range.
    Note: Sales numbers are based on fulfilled orders.
  • Select Apply to update the search.
  • The highlights box is displayed based on the criteria selected. 
    Tip: Change the criteria to see different information. 
  • The Vehicle Card shows sales or view numbers on the Year, Make, and Model. 
    Tip: Change the criteria to see different information. 
    Note: All submodels are included in this number.