Vehicle Builder

Common questions regarding the Vehicle Builder (Configurator)

Why is my vehicle not available on the builder?

  • We may still need to receive information on the model. 
  • The 3D model is not available yet.
  • Contact the Customer Care team with the missing model.

Why can't I see an accessory on the vehicle?

  • We strive to visualize every exterior accessory that can help influence a buying decision. 
    • Interior accessories are not part of the tool. Data shows that the effort in producing an interior view adds little to accessory sales.
    • We add new accessories every day. In all likelihood, when the vehicle became available, that accessory was not in the portfolio.
    • Contact the Customer Care team with the missing accessory.

What if my customer wants to see the red car after searching for accessories?

  • Select Start Over to update the vehicle and accessories shown.

Note: Our data shows that accessories are presented 99% of the time after deciding on a vehicle. At that point, the buyer knows what color they are purchasing.

Why do we only see the vehicle from three views?  

  • Three views are adequate for visualizing the vehicle and the accessories.

What else do you think I should know about the vehicle builder?

  • We launch or update new vehicles every week. We have a builder for  85-88% of Year Make Model combos. It is the deepest coverage in the industry worldwide.